& Events In
2002, Small But Important Gains Were Achieved In The Battle To Abolish
Non-Precedential Federal Appellate Opinions
Mon Jan 13,
In the year just concluded,
a number of incremental yet significant developments occurred in the
effort to eliminate the once all-but-hidden body of law known as
"unpublished" or "non-precedential" federal appellate
Longtime readers of this column know that I have
consistently argued in favor of abolishing federal appellate
opinions designated as non-precedential. As the name implies,
non-precedential appellate opinions are opinions that an appellate
court issues to explain the reasons for a decision that, in the
court's view, involves the straightforward application of existing
law. When federal appellate courts use them properly,
non-precedential opinions are useless not simply because a federal
appellate court so designates, but because they add nothing to the
existing body of precedent.
Of course, because humans are
fallible, especially when it comes to predicting the future, there
are instances when a three-judge federal appellate court panel's
belief that an opinion creates no new law turns out to be incorrect.
Yet in some federal appellate courts, most notably the U.S. Court of
Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, a lawyer is prohibited from citing in
her brief a non-precedential Ninth Circuit opinion that resolves the
very question presented in her appeal, even if that non-precedential
opinion is the only Ninth Circuit decision on point.
You see,
while non-precedential federal appellate decisions bind the parties
to an appeal that produces such a ruling, the decision does not bind
the issuing court. So, if yesterday the Ninth Circuit for whatever
reason used a non-precedential opinion to announce as a matter of
first impression that two plus two equals four, one year from now a
different Ninth Circuit panel would be entirely free to rule that
two plus two equals five. Even worse, the litigants in the second
case would be prohibited from drawing to the second panel's
attention, before the second panel issued its ruling, how the first
panel had decided the identical question.
opinions exist because federal appellate judges do not have the time
or resources to prepare full-blown, law review quality opinions in
every single case that has been appealed. And the lack of judicial
resources that has led courts to designate certain opinions as
non-precedential or unpublished is unlikely to disappear.
agree that not every federal appellate opinion contains a
precedential holding. My view is simply that whether a ruling is or
is not precedential should not be the function of a label that the
issuing judges assign to the ruling; rather, the determination of
whether an opinion is precedential or not must depend only on what
the opinion contains within its margins.
Even when dealing
with published opinions, of course, the existence of an on-point
earlier ruling by the court in which the current appeal is pending
does not mean that the holding in that earlier case is set in stone
for all time. Rather, unpublished opinions that reach an unsound
result can be set aside using the same procedures that apply to
unsound published opinions.
The single most important
development last year in the continuing controversy over
non-precedential federal appellate opinions occurred in November
2002 when the Advisory Committee on Appellate Rules of the Judicial
Conference of the United States approved in concept a rule that
would allow the citation of non-precedential federal appellate court
rulings in all U.S. Courts of Appeals. Gone would be the current
crazy quilt of regulations that now govern if and when unpublished
opinions can be cited to this Nation's various federal appellate
The proposed nationwide rule, however, is still only
at the early stages of the rulemaking process. The text of the
proposed rule must be revised, approved by the committee, and then
sent through the arduous rule amendment process, which probably
makes December 2005 the earliest date by which such a nationwide
rule could go into effect. The Appellate Rules Committee is next due
to revisit the proposed amendment at a meeting scheduled for May 15,
While the Appellate Rules Committee's proposal would
not eliminate the designation "non-precedential," by allowing such
opinions to be cited to the appellate courts that have issued them,
the rule certainly recognizes that "non-precedential" is not always
synonymous with "entirely useless." And, as a practical matter, I
predict that if and when the proposed rule takes effect, federal
appellate courts will find it exceedingly difficult if not
impossible to deny precedential effect to supposedly
"non-precedential" rulings that have in fact established new
Although a nationwide rule may be at least a few years
away, individual federal appellate courts can in the interim adopt
local rules that either eliminate non-precedential opinions
altogether, as the D.C. Circuit did going forward from January 1,
2002, or allow the court's own supposedly non-precedential opinions
to be cited back to the court, as the First Circuit did effective
December 16, 2002.
The First Circuit's new rule allows the
citation back to that court of its unpublished opinions "only if (1)
the party believes that the opinion persuasively addresses a
material issue in the appeal; and (2) there is no published opinion
from the court that adequately addresses the issue." The rule
expresses the considerations that appellate advocates should follow,
in my view, in all federal appellate courts that allow the citation
of non-precedential rulings: only cite an unpublished federal
appellate ruling back to the issuing court when no other adequate
published opinion exists.
Recently, The Legal Times of
Washington, D.C. ran an article evaluating the extent to which
appellate practitioners in 2002 relied on unpublished opinions in
briefs filed with the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit.
The answer turned out to be only on rare occasion. And this, in my
view, shows that the system is working the way that it
Allowing unpublished opinions to be cited back to the
issuing federal appellate court, and making unpublished opinions
readily available to all who seek access, combine to cause federal
appellate courts to act in the most disciplined way possible when
determining whether a given decision should be designated as
precedential or non-precedential. Back when widespread access to
unpublished opinions was nearly non-existent, attorneys and the
public were unable reliably to determine whether federal appellate
courts were using unpublished opinions only to decide cases that
added nothing to the existing body of precedent. Now that
unpublished or non-precedential rulings are readily available from
so many federal appellate courts, the judges who serve on those
courts have become much more careful in deciding whether a given
decision truly adds nothing of value to the fabric of
Thus, since the Third Circuit began posting its
non-precedential rulings on its Web site in January 2002, I have
seen fewer than a handful of non-precedential Third Circuit rulings
that have caused me to ponder how in the world the court might think
this decision contributes nothing to the existing body of
precedential law. Furnishing easy access to unpublished opinions, as
most every federal appellate court already does, provides an
excellent method for lawyers and others to determine that the
federal appellate court in question is using unpublished opinions
only to decide those cases whose resolution appears to add nothing
to the appellate court's existing body of precedent.
Ninth Circuit, which as I have already explained is the most fervent
in opposing the elimination of non-precedential federal appellate
rulings, took action in the final days of 2002 to extend for another
thirty months a local rule that allows unpublished opinions to be
cited to that court as a basis for granting rehearing en banc. The
Ninth Circuit's rule allowing this extraordinarily limited use of
unpublished opinions nevertheless leaves me dumbfounded.
lawyer can seek rehearing en banc if the Ninth Circuit issues a
decision that is contrary to one of that court's earlier unpublished
opinions, but the very same lawyer is prohibited from drawing the
earlier, on-point decision to the attention of a second panel, which
would have given the second panel the best opportunity to avoid
creating a conflict in the first place. If unpublished opinions are
entirely worthless, as the Ninth Circuit's most outspoken opponents
of abolishing them seem to believe, then why does the Ninth Circuit
allow an unpublished opinion to provide the basis for obtaining
rehearing en banc?
The Federal Rules of Evidence Committee of
the American College of Trial Lawyers issued one of 2002's most
persuasive criticisms of federal appellate rulings that are
inaccessible and non-citable. The ACTL's report and recommendation
appears in West's Federal Rules Decisions reporter at 208 F.R.D. 645
The report, which is both very well written and very
well reasoned, argues in favor of three points. First, a uniform
national rule should replace the patchwork of differing local rules
governing the use of unpublished opinions. Second, all federal
appellate courts should release their non-precedential rulings for
electronic publication on Westlaw and Lexis, and for publication in
West's Federal Appendix reporter. Third, litigants should be free to
cite to non-precedential federal appellate opinions for whatever
persuasive merit that they are thought to have. The ACTL's proposals
are quite similar in operation to the new rule that the Federal
Appellate Rules Advisory Committee is in the early process of
2002 was indeed a year of small but significant
developments in the battle to eliminate the existence of federal
appellate opinions designated as "non-precedential." And the seeds
for quite significant positive change in the not too distant future
were planted last year, when the Federal Appellate Rules Advisory
Committee agreed to promulgate a national rule allowing the citation
of non-precedential federal appellate opinions. For these reasons, I
believe that we are closer than ever to the day when opinions
designated at their issuance as "non-precedential" will cease to
Coming next month: What distinguishes the most useful
appellate court Web sites from the least useful?
J. Bashman is a shareholder in the law firm of Buchanan
Ingersoll, P.C., chairs its Appellate
Group, and is co-chair of the Philadelphia Bar Association's
Appellate Courts Committee. He can be reached at (215) 665-3872 and