Villanova Law Review
Symposium: The Future of Judicial Transparency
Panel Three: Systematic Justice
Hillel Y. Levin [FNa1]
Copyright (c) 2008 Villanova University; Hillel Y. Levin
I. Introduction
conventional story of civil law in the district courts is one of accessibility,
transparency and accountability: people have a dispute; they hire lawyers; the
lawyers come to court and present evidence and argument; the trial judge and
jury resolve the conflict; and an unsatisfied party may appeal.
It is
probably the case that this story was always fictional, but over the past
quarter-century it has been deconstructed and demolished. [FN1] Today, it is an utter fantasy. We cannot
even legitimately claim that our system demonstrates an aspiration to the
ideals of accessibility, transparency and accountability. Managerial judges; [FN2] special masters; [FN3] magistrate judges; [FN4] the push and rush to settle; [FN5] sealed settlement agreements; [FN6] sealed files *974 and secret
dockets; [FN7] summary judgment; [FN8] the regular use of staff attorneys and
law clerks to screen and dispose of cases; [FN9]
two-track appeals featuring decisions without comment and non-precedential
opinions [FN10]--this
is the real story of our federal courts, where the needs of efficiency and
docket control seem to trump all else. [FN11]
Legal scholarship has not looked particularly kindly at the introduction of
these efficiency and docket control innovations, and scholars have argued that
the costs of these “efficiency reforms” outstrip whatever savings they have
achieved. [FN12] In
any case, what *975 all of this demonstrates is that our commitments to
transparency and accountability are more apparent than they are real.
In recent
years, one particular area of focus for legal scholars concerned about the
increasing privatization and opacity of courts has been the issue of systematic
unpublication of judicial opinions by the appellate courts. [FN13] And not just scholars. Indeed, this is
one of the few court process issues in my memory that has engaged all elements
of the legal profession. [FN14]
Judges have issued dueling opinions on the constitutionality of the *976
practice [FN15]
and traded polemics on its appropriateness. [FN16]
Practitioners--whose voices often seem lost (or at least muted) on issues like
this--are in the thick of the debate. [FN17] No
longer merely academic, this debate has even spawned a change in the rules of
appellate procedure [FN18]
(one that amusingly pulled off the difficult feat of being both highly
controversial [FN19]
and relatively minor). [FN20]
amid all of the talk about unpublication by appellate courts and the larger
issues of accessibility, accountability and transparency that it raises,
unpublication in the district courts---more than 95% of opinions go unpublished
escaped the notice and consternation of scholars. [FN22] I say “unfortunately” because this
practice seems to raise at least as many, and likely more, problems as the
unpublication practices in the appellate courts.
In this
Article, I address the issue of unpublication in the district courts from a
normative perspective for the first time. I draw from the rich parallel
literature regarding appellate court publication practices, but *977
argue that unpublication in the district court context raises an even broader
set of concerns. My argument rests on two fundamental points. First, district
courts play a unique institutional role in our system of adjudication, one that
gives district judges exceptional power to make and shape the law. Indeed, from
the perspective of a realist, district judges have even greater control over
the law than do their appellate counterparts, yet they often operate free from
appellate oversight and public scrutiny. Second, in contrast to the appellate
context, where even “unpublished” opinions are usually available for public
review, in the district court context, “unpublished” opinions almost disappear.
Thus, the law in the district courts--the central location of lawmaking in our
system--is rendered opaque, and our district judges unaccountable.
argument proceeds as follows. In Part II, I begin by exploring the
institutional role of the district courts and arguing that district judges, in
a legal realist sense, make the law. [FN23] In
Part III, I define my terms “unpublished” and “opinions” for the district
context, and provide an overview of the publication process in the district
courts. [FN24]
Next, in Parts IV and V, the heart of this Article, I examine the troubling
implications of the practice--what I term the “transparency” and “accountability”
problems, respectively--and then argue that the justifications for
unpublication are overstated, unconvincing and anachronistic. [FN25] Finally, in Part VI, I argue that
existing technology allows us to move beyond this problem and briefly explore
how, from a practical standpoint, current practices could be reformed. [FN26]
II. Why District Courts--and their Opinions--Matter
understanding of the federal courts stands in inverse proportion to the
importance of each court. That is, we know a great deal about the Supreme Court,
which does the least; somewhat less about appellate courts, which do somewhat
more; and still less about district courts, which do the most. I initially
assert these points--that district courts are both the most important and the
least understood--bluntly and without the ornamentation of citation because
they ought to be obvious and uncontroversial. Nevertheless, because
contemporary legal scholarship and legal education do not reflect this view, it
deserves elaboration.
In the
2006 term, the Supreme Court issued sixty-eight opinions. [FN27] In the 2006 calendar year, 66,618 appeals
were filed in the federal appellate *978 courts. [FN28] Meanwhile, 244,068 civil cases were filed
in federal district courts in 2006. [FN29] In
other words, district court judges deal with many more cases, by a large
margin, than other federal judges. [FN30]
But these
numbers only begin to tell the story, because the relative power that district
judges exercise in the judicial hierarchy becomes clearer when we consider
their role qualitatively. District judges have much greater discretion and
power over litigants and cases than do appellate judges or Supreme Court
justices. By the time a case gets to the Supreme Court, it has been honed to
its finest points of law and the issues are fairly narrow and clear. Even the
intermediate appellate courts--though they may see a larger slice of a case
than the Supreme Court does because litigants generally have a first appeal as
of right--review only distinct points of law at the end of a case. By contrast,
district judges take part in shaping a case and building it from the bottom up.
They sit with a case from its very outset, managing it, watching it and helping
it to unfold; they engage with the attorneys and litigants, and intervene
through any number of mechanisms at various stages of the case. [FN32] Such intervening mechanisms include
interlocutory and procedural decision-making that is, legally or functionally,
unreviewable. [FN33]
Over time, increased caseloads, increased discretion, increased use of summary
judgment, alternative dispute mechanisms and other case management tools have
magnified the role of the district judge to an even greater degree. [FN34] And, of course, unlike appellate judges,
district judges sit by themselves, without the (at least theoretically)
moderating influence and oversight offered by appellate panels. [FN35] As Ringquist and Emmert put it, “[d]istrict
court judges, more than their appellate court brethren, engage in the nuts and *979
bolts of policymaking from formation through implementation . . . [and have
been] thrust . . . into more prominent policymaking roles.” [FN36]
The sheer
volume of cases that district judges see and the power and discretion they have
over those cases demands that judges be subjected to the greatest scrutiny,
for, as one district judge strikingly put it, “[t]he people of this district
either get justice here with me or they don't get it at all . . . . Here at the
trial court--that's where the action is.” [FN37]
this can only mean that district courts--more than appellate courts and more
than the Supreme Court--make the law. This is true both from a practical and
theoretical standpoint. Practically speaking, many legal standards are, by
design, indeterminate, and precedent does not constrain them. Thus, district
judges must do interpretive work, but the distinctions among “making,” “interpreting”
and “applying” law often disintegrate. In these areas of the law, practicing
lawyers look to district cases to fill out the doctrine. Similarly, judges have
substantial fact-finding authority, and in finding facts, the judges shape the
case and make the law.
theoretically, from a legal realist perspective, “law” can only be defined by
what it does and how it operates. Thus, every time a district judge rules, that
judge makes law. This view of the law is not, by any stretch, uniquely my own.
Llewellyn captured it when he wrote that, “[w]hat these officials”--everyone
from judges to lawyers to police officers--“do about disputes is, to my mind,
the law itself.” [FN38] As
a result, to determine what the law is, “[y]ou will have to take what [judges]
say and compare it with what they do,” [FN39]
ultimately placing action over pronouncement. This being so, among the federal
courts, the district courts make the most law because they do more. This view
animates the move towards empiricism that legal scholarship is currently
experiencing, what Miles and Sunstein call the “new legal realism.” [FN40] This is a long-winded way of *980
saying that this view of the law is not new and I am not breaking ground here.
I continue
to wonder whether this view has really sunk in. Legal education and scholarship
continue to place considerably more emphasis on what the Supreme Court and
appellate courts do than on the trial courts' actions. [FN41] (And never mind administrative agencies,
legislators, local governments, police officers and all of the other law
makers. At best, they get one law school course or a seminar devoted to them.)
On the
teaching side, our casebooks are long on Supreme Court and appellate court
opinions and short on district court opinions. Even Civil Procedure--the course
that concerns itself most with district courts--is primarily taught through a
formalist lens: legislatures and higher courts tell us the important rules and
if we study them closely, we know what to do and what the procedural rules are.
On the scholarship side, the new legal realists and the law and society
movement have made inroads here, but a single Supreme Court ruling will
generate more law review articles, more blog posts, more classroom discussions,
more seminars, more conferences, more symposia, more interest than will an
ordinary, or even extraordinary, district court opinion.
To a
degree, there may be good reason to focus on the higher courts. A single
decision by the United States Supreme Court affects many more people than any
decision by a district court. By the same token, a Supreme Court decision
probably does far more to shape public discourse than any decision by a
district court. (Would anyone seriously suggest that the public debate on
abortion would look as it does had the Supreme Court denied the Roe v. Wade
petition for certiorari?) In other words, individual Supreme Court decisions
are both more interesting and more important, in some measures, than individual
district court opinions, and scholars who wish to analyze and move the law
understandably focus on the interesting and important cases. [FN42] Likewise, with respect to legal
education, the focus on appellate and Supreme Court opinions may carry
pedagogical benefits, serving as a way to teach students how case law develops
and how to reason and argue from opinions. [FN43]
But with all of that said, we have not focused enough on district courts, the
makers of the law.
There are practical reasons that academics focus on the higher courts. Law
professors are more likely to have clerked at higher courts than they are to
have clerked at district courts, and their worldviews and scholarly agendas may
be shaped by their experiences. [FN44]
Additionally, the keys to the kingdom in the legal academy are held, to a large
degree, by students, specifically those students who edit law reviews. [FN45] Perhaps this impacts the kinds of
scholarship in which academics engage, for better and worse, and orients legal
writing towards the higher courts, for student editors are likely to be most
familiar with legal discourse that addresses appellate and Supreme Court cases.
And, of course, students are oriented this way because appellate opinions are
the textual meat of legal education in the
But what
probably accounts most of all for the undue focus on higher courts in legal
scholarship, apart from the fact that the legal academy is not as realist as it
imagines itself to be, is a different practical consideration entirely:
studying the district courts in a systematic way is difficult--more difficult
than studying federal appellate courts and far more difficult than studying the
Supreme Court.
It is
difficult to study district courts for all of the same reasons that it is
important to study them: there are more of them than other federal judges; they
handle a lot more cases than other federal judges do; and they do a lot more in
those cases than other federal judges do in their cases. It is easy enough to
find and analyze all of the Supreme Court cases that address abortion, or
monopolies, or free speech rights, or creditors, or equal protection, or negligence,
or federalism, or the right to counsel. It is less easy, though still possible,
to do so with appellate court cases; but to even attempt to do so with district
court cases is a monumental and daunting task, both from a research standpoint
(how do you get all of *982 those cases?) and from an analysis
standpoint (what do you do with them once you have found them?). And this is
simply a predictable and inherent consequence of the number of district judges,
the size of the dockets and the nature of judicial work in the district courts.
brings us to unpublished district court opinions. The greatest obstacle to
studying district courts is nothing inherent to the district courts. Rather, it
is the modern system of institutionalized unpublication that makes it nearly
impossible to study the district courts. If we accept that the law is what
judges do, then we cannot evaluate the legal system by reference to only
published decisions because they may not reflect what goes on in the majority
of cases. Thus, the trouble with studying only published opinions is much the
same as the problem with studying only Supreme Court opinions, or only
appellate court opinions: they give us a skewed view of the law itself.
III. Opinion Publication and Unpublication in the District Courts
I begin my
practical discussion of unpublication by defining the terms “opinion” and “unpublished”
in the district court context and providing a brief procedural background. One
reason for doing so is obvious: these are the key terms and processes and I do
well to define them at the outset.
But there
is also another reason to begin this way. For those who are familiar with the
debate over unpublication in the appellate courts, these words and processes
have fairly well-defined and well-known meanings, and the implications of the
definitions drive the debate. In the district court context, however, the
meanings of these terms are radically different and these differences implicate
a different set of concerns. Therefore, beginning here serves the additional
function of appropriately repositioning the debate over unpublication for the
district court context.
A. What
Counts as an Opinion in the District Courts?
In the
appellate courts, we know what we mean by “opinion.” Opinions are, for the most
part, what appellate judges produce. In the district courts, though, “opinion”
is not a term of art. Judges issue rulings, orders and decisions. [FN47] They run the gamut from the most mundane,
ministerial order, like a ruling on a motion for extension of time (“Granted”
or “Denied” usually being the extent of the judge's ruling) to an elegant
ruling on a motion for summary judgment, consisting of facts, legal reasoning
and citations. [FN48]
When I say
“opinion,” I mean everything from the ministerial ruling on a motion for
extension of time, to the fully-reasoned ruling on a motion for summary
judgment, and everything in between. I cast the definition*983 broadly
(and perhaps controversially so) [FN49]
for two reasons. First, assuming we wanted to draw a line between those rulings
we deemed important and those that we deemed unimportant, and wanted to
preference the important ones with the designation “opinion,” I am not certain
where we could draw such a line. A discovery ruling, for example, may look like
a ministerial ruling (“Granted” or “Denied”) or like a ruling on a motion for
summary judgment--or like some hybrid. Do we deem all of them important, or
only some of them? And who chooses? For this reason, I think it is better to be
over-inclusive rather than under-inclusive, sensitive rather than specific.
and more fundamentally, the idea that some rulings are unimportant seems to me
to be quite wrong. From a theoretical standpoint, a ruling on a motion for
extension of time is an exercise of judicial power and the judge is supposed to
apply a legal standard (discretionary though it may be) in ruling on it. More
practically, such a ruling contains important information for the researcher
and for the lawyer. For instance, a researcher could aggregate all of the rulings
on motions for extension of time for a particular judge, seat of court,
district or circuit throughout the country and determine whether judges are
more likely to grant such requests for some kinds of litigants and lawyers
rather than others--and then consider whether this would be good, bad or
neither. This would teach us a great deal about the judiciary and the law
itself, because it would tell us what judges actually do. Similarly, for the
attorney representing a client, the ability to determine how a judge manages
his or her docket is crucial. [FN50] If
so much information could be gleaned from this most mundane set of rulings,
surely every other judicial action taken by a judge contains yet more
it is neither possible nor desirable to differentiate--for the purposes of
publication--among different kinds of rulings, and thus I call them all “opinions.”
Defining “Unpublished” for the District Court Context
As many
commentators have noted, in the appellate court context, the word “unpublished”
is a misnomer. [FN51]
With the exception of those produced by the Fifth and Eleventh Circuits, all
unpublished appellate court opinions are available from the online legal
research resources LEXIS and *984 Westlaw. [FN52] Instead, in the appellate court context, “unpublished”
usually means “non-precedential” [FN53]
and, until recently, [FN54] “non-citeable.”
I do not
mean to suggest that the issue of unpublication in the appellate context is
unimportant simply because most opinions are publicly available. At the very
least, there is something deeply troubling about the old rules in some circuits
that prohibited a lawyer or litigant from quoting judges' own words back to them.
Nevertheless, at least they are available; lawyers, scholars, judges and others
may read them, analyze them, synthesize them and criticize them. [FN57] Whatever the problems with unpublished
opinions from the appellate courts, this fact offers at least some measure *985
of transparency and accountability to the public for appellate court judges.
district courts, though, “unpublished,” as I use it, really does mean “unpublished.”
I refer to all district court opinions that are not available for systematic
review and study because they are excluded from online databases. This includes
an enormous number and variety of opinions, because there is no requirement
that district judges send LEXIS and Westlaw their opinions. Indeed, although
technically available online on PACER--the courts' online docketing system--and
in physical case files at the courthouses, these resources are rarely
accessible--one would have to know what to look for in order to find it. [FN58] In this way, unpublished district court
opinions are more like summary affirmances issued by some courts of appeal, [FN59] which, as some persuasively argue, are a
much more serious problem than unpublished appellate court opinions. [FN60]
Thus, for
the purposes of this Article, I treat any opinion that is available on Westlaw
or LEXIS (which includes all Reporters and all opinions available exclusively
online) as “published.” [FN61]
This is a very broad definition of the word “published;” to qualify, the only
criteria is that an opinion be available in accessible and text-searchable form
to the public. This excludes only those opinions that are available only in
courthouse files or on court websites in non-searchable form. Even under this
very broad definition of “published,” though, only 3% of judicial opinions--a
shockingly low percentage--qualify. [FN62]
C. The
Process of Opinion Publication in the District Courts
The process
and recent history of formalized and nationalized unpublication in the district
courts [FN63]
is, not surprisingly, less clear than the parallel story in the appellate
The official reporter for most district court opinions is the Federal
Supplement, [FN64]
published by West Publishing Company. [FN65]
West also publishes two specialized reporters: the Federal Rules Decisions--for
those “[o]pinions concerned with the application of the federal rules” [FN66]--and West's Bankruptcy, for “[o]pinions
dealing with bankruptcy issues.” [FN67]
West describes the opinions published in these reporters as “those of general
interest and importance.” In addition, West publishes all of these opinions on
Westlaw, [FN68] together
with other “[o]pinions selected exclusively for electronic reporting.” [FN69] These additional, electronic-only
opinions include “opinions of interest to the local bench and bar in a
particular district,” [FN70]
and West encourages judges to “exercise liberal discretion in submitting
opinions for possible reporting on Westlaw.” [FN71]
(Because the Westlaw database is more robust than LEXIS's, [FN72] and because West's reporters are
considered more official, I focus my discussion on West and Westlaw.
Nevertheless, LEXIS has its own parallel process; [FN73] some opinions that are on Westlaw may not
appear on LEXIS, and vice versa).
determining which opinions to publish, West accepts submissions from judges and
attorneys [FN74]
and also monitors court websites and PACER for other opinions of interest. This
process is fairly opaque, and no West representative could provide me with
precise information about how such determinations are made. [FN75] Nevertheless, West has provided
guidelines to judges instructing them how to make publication determinations
and these guidelines shed some light on the process. According to the West
guide, West publishes cases “of general interest and importance,” including
those that “deal[ ] with issues of first impression[;] establish[ ], alter[ ],
modify [ ] or explain[ ] a rule of law[;] provid[e] a review of the *987
law [;] criticiz[e] existing law[;] involve[e] unique factual situations [;]
present [ ] a unique holding[; or] involve newsworthy cases.” [FN76]
opinions that do not meet these qualifications--all ninety-seven percent of
them--can only be found in courthouse files and on PACER, the courts' online
docket management system. The trouble with PACER is that it is not
text-searchable. As a result, the researcher, whether attorney, judge or
scholar, can only find what he or she is looking for if the researcher knows
exactly what and where it is, or if he or she has the enormous resources necessary
to page through courthouse or PACER files, one by one.
*988 IV. The
Troubling Implications of Unpublication in the District Courts
By this
point, the implications of this system of unpublication should be obvious. They
come in two categories: what I call the transparency problem and the
accountability problem.
A. The
Transparency Problem
transparency problem begins as an informational limitation: as a result of
unpublication, we cannot describe with confidence what the law is. We have
every reason to believe that access to only three percent of all opinions
leaves us with a skewed view of the law. After all, the published opinions are
considered to be the “interesting” and “important” opinions, in the words of
West's publication guide; the upshot being that boring and unimportant opinions
cannot be systematically reviewed and researched without immense resources. The
iceberg metaphor comes immediately to mind: the published opinions, which lie
above the surface, may not give us an accurate sense of what lies beneath. [FN77]
most of the few existing empirical studies on the subject conclude that we are
missing out on quite a bit as a result of unpublication. For instance, using a
database of environmental law decisions, two scholars found that the published opinions
and the conclusions scholars have drawn from them are unrepresentative of
unpublished opinions. [FN78]
Studying employment law cases, two other scholars concluded that focusing only
on published opinions meaningfully affects conclusions. [FN79] One scholar found that “published cases
are neither a random sample of all district court cases nor a comprehensive
selection of the important ones.” [FN80]
Another scholar similarly concluded that unpublished opinions are not
necessarily “trivial” and that the opportunity to avoid publication presented
district judges with “potential law making opportunities in which their values
could shape the outcomes.” [FN81]
Further, that scholar discovered that among opinions that are appealed,
unpublished opinions were as likely to be reversed on appeal as published
opinions and in some *989 cases more likely. [FN82] Even the one study that found no evidence
of systematic differences between published and unpublished opinions concluded
that empirical researchers must still contend with unpublished opinions. [FN83]
In short,
everyone who has empirically studied the issue has concluded that there are, or
may well be, meaningful differences between published and unpublished opinions
and that the general unavailability of unpublished opinions potentially leads
to a misconception of the law itself. Additionally, those empirical researchers
have all concluded that there is a “need for a systematic study of the
unpublished decisions of federal courts,” a recommendation that is at once
unassailable and, by definition, nearly impossible. [FN84] The implications here are staggering.
Just for starters, the entire Restatement project of the realists [FN85]--insofar as it seeks to codify the law by
informing us what judges do in actual cases--and similar attempts at capturing
just what it is that judges do [FN86]
are called into question.
So what,
exactly, might we be missing out on as a result of unpublication? In answering
this question, two examples are particularly illustrative. First, there are
some kinds of opinions that are never published. [FN87]
For instance, rulings on motions for extension of time never find their way
into the Westlaw database. To some, the suggestion that these purely
ministerial and entirely unappealable rulings may be of interest to legal
researchers is absurd. [FN88]
But, as I have already described, from a legal realist perspective, studying
such rulings could yield important information about the judiciary and the law
itself. Thus, even the most “boring” and “unimportant” of all actions that a
judge may take in a case turns out to be quite worthy of study. If this is true
with respect to these most mundane rulings, everything else a judge does
contains even more law and we are missing out on it.
unpublication introduces severe limitations with respect to more “substantive”
law. Because it is an area in which I have written in the *990 past, I
offer an example from choice of law. [FN89]
For the uninitiated, the basic question in choice of law is what state's law
should apply to a lawsuit in which more than one state may have an interest.
For example, if a resident of
Over the
past four decades or so, American courts have adopted a variety of doctrinal
frameworks to resolve such conflicts. [FN90]
These new and complex approaches were intended to introduce fairness and
rationality into the choice of law field, [FN91]
which had previously been governed by rigid and dogmatic rules. [FN92] However, the introduction of these
self-consciously flexible and open-ended frameworks [FN93] begged a question: how were they actually
interpreted and implemented by judges?
earliest quantitative empirical study of the practical impact of the modern
approaches to choice of law was conducted in 1989 [FN94] and focused on appellate court and state
supreme court opinions. [FN95]
The goal was to determine how the different doctrines impacted case outcomes.
Confronting the obvious potential objection that the exclusion of trial court
opinions from the data set would render the findings questionable, the author
conceded that “[t]o be sure, coding only the top of the caselaw pyramid
imperfectly reflects what is truly occurring in the lower courts, and the
results must be treated with caution.” [FN96]
Nevertheless, that author went on to argue that “the cases at the top are
surely indicative of decisionmaking at the bottom, assuming precedent is
followed . . . .” [FN97]
But, of course, therein lies the question: is precedent followed? More importantly,
how is it followed? Choice of law standards are notoriously manipulable [FN98] and there is little reason to believe
that any “precedent” adopted by a higher court would provide any real
constraints-- or even useful guidelines--for trial judges. [FN99]
As the
modern choice of law field has developed, other scholars have built and
improved on the early work by focusing on the bottom of the pyramid--trial
courts. [FN100]
But because the vast majority of opinions were unpublished, and thus
inaccessible, scholars based their studies on published opinions. [FN101] These studies generally concluded that
the doctrinal framework does not impact the choice of law determination. [FN102] In other words, although the doctrines
should yield different results in theory, in *992 practice, they do not.
This suggests that modern choice of law rules do not work properly, or at least
not as they were expected to.
In spite
of all this, the inclusion of unpublished opinions could potentially tell a
different story. Perhaps the published trial court opinions and the appellate
cases included in the study are the hard cases, and, as such, the judge's
intuition matters more than the methodology the judge purports to apply. The
inclusion of unpublished opinions may reveal that methodology and doctrine make
a difference in the majority of cases, after all. [FN103]
Reynolds keenly noted:
One always
wonders at the validity of a critique based only on a sample of reported
opinions. The success of a system depends in part on how it handles the easy,
as well as the difficult, cases. By their very nature, however, the former will
not be published, and, therefore, not evaluated by scholars. [FN104]
In the
final analysis, then, choice of law may work as advertised. Alternatively,
perhaps the unpublished cases reveal entirely different patterns of choice of
law decision-making by judges, and the system works differently, for better or
worse, than available studies suggest. [FN105]
because we do not have access to the vast majority of opinions, we cannot fully
assess the revolution in choice of law. The real story of the choice of law may
be either better or worse than we now know, which is another way of saying that
we do not really know very much. And, as a result of unpublication, this is
potentially the case in all areas of legal scholarship.
consequences here should be obvious. For legal scholars, it means that we
cannot assess the state of the law with confidence or push it normatively. We
are left with a formalist view of the law, presuming that, or at least acting
as though, the law that is given is the law that is done. We teach and study
the rules, standards, tests and doctrines given down in Sinaitic form by
legislatures and higher courts and we assume that these control what actually
goes on in the courts. Thus, to return to choice of law, we are left teaching
our students that courts in a plurality of American jurisdictions will apply
the following rule for conflicts in tort cases. First, they will consider
several guiding “principles”:
(a) the
needs of the interstate and international systems; (b) the relevant policies of
the forum; (c) the relevant policies of other interested states and the
relative interests of those states in the *993 determination of the
particular issue; (d) the protection of justified expectations; (e) the basic
policies underlying the particular field of law; (f) certainty, predictability
and uniformity of result; and (g) ease in the determination and application of
the law to be applied. [FN106]
Next, they
will consider the relevant “contacts”:
(a) the
place where the injury occurred; (b) the place where the conduct causing the
injury occurred; (c) the domicil, residence, nationality, place of
incorporation and place of business of the parties; and (d) the place where the
relationship, if any, between the parties is centered. [FN107]
And our
students scratch their heads and continue scratching as they become lawyers,
judges and law professors.
practicing lawyers, all of this means that they cannot with confidence advise
their clients about what a judge is likely to do in a particular case. After
all, attorneys use judicial opinions “to predict and advocate the outcome of a
client's dispute, and to advise the client on an appropriate course of action.”
In order to accomplish these goals, “the availability of the facts and analysis
of prior cases” to attorneys--that is, the availability of the opinions
themselves--“is vital to the process of applying the law to current cases.” [FN109]
For district
judges, unpublication means that they may not know how other judges have
decided in similar cases, thus stunting the development of the common law.
Although they are not strictly bound by previous district court opinions, such
opinions do carry persuasive value; [FN110]
and, particularly where the facts of a case closely resemble those of a
previous decision, the judge should grapple with the previous decision. [FN111] This is, after all, how law gets made in
our common law system. But as a result of unpublication, this process is at
best haphazard and inconsistent. [FN112]
For example, similar choice of law questions may yield different outcomes, or
similar discrimination lawsuits may fare differently on summary judgment, *994
and no one would be the wiser. Appellate judges, legislators and other
policy-makers are also left in the dark.
administrative agencies and officials that answer to district courts need to
know what courts do with their cases. For instance, government officials
shielded by the doctrine of qualified immunity would be interested in knowing
whether a district court opinion addresses a particular kind of conduct because
a district court opinion may “clearly establish” the law for the purposes of
qualified immunity. [FN113]
And although such institutional actors may have the resources and wherewithal
to keep track of at least some of the unpublished district court decisions,
those on the other side of lawsuits against them probably do not. [FN114]
To put it
simply, anyone who cares (or should care) about what district courts do suffers
as a result of unpublication. We cannot say with confidence what the law is and
therefore, we cannot judge whether it works or decide what to do if it does
B. The
Accountability Problem
Up to this
point, all of the arguments I have made about the necessity of access to all
opinions--to scholars, to judges, to attorneys and to potential litigants--have
assumed good faith on the part of district judges. All of my arguments have
been epistemological in nature: people have an interest in knowing what happens
in our judicial system and the only way to gather that knowledge is to make
judicial opinions, including those of district judges, meaningfully accessible.
But in
addition to the transparency problem, unpublication creates a potential problem
of accountability. Consider the purposes of written judicial opinions:
[the requirement of a written opinion] will insure a careful examination of the
cases, and result in well considered opinions, because they must come before
the jurists of the country and be subjected to the severest criticism . . . .
It tends to purity and honesty in the administration of justice. [FN115]
In other
words, written opinions are valuable because they provide a measure of
accountability--they help to ensure that judges both pay fidelity to *995
the law and are careful in their decisions. [FN116] I
suggest, however, that it is not the writing of an opinion that provides this
accountability, but rather the publication of the opinion--because what good is
a written opinion that will never be read? [FN117]
In the
absence of publication, then, there is, first, a real concern with the level of
thought and care that judges put into their opinions. As Judge Posner put it in
the appellate court context, “[i]t is a sort of a formula for irresponsibility.”
This is even truer in the district court context, where “unpublished” actually
means unpublished, because judges are aware that virtually no one will read
their opinions.
unpublication potentially provides judges an opportunity to do unprincipled
things. District judges do more with their opinions and rulings than inform the
parties and the public of their decisions and reasoning on the legal questions
raised by the case. In the common law tradition, of course, they can use their
opinions to shape the law. But in the modern era of managerial judging, they
also use their opinions to send messages to the parties or to shape case
outcomes. To offer one example, a judge can use an opinion and ruling as an
opportunity to push parties towards settlement. For instance, a judge may
believe that a particular case is best resolved by private settlement, and
therefore tailor a ruling on summary judgment in a way that that judge believes
will most likely lead the parties to settle.
taste for this type of practice is likely to depend, at least in part, on one's
taste for the modern trend of judges becoming involved in settlement
negotiations and pushing parties towards settlement more generally. That is,
those who believe that settlement generally leads to better outcomes for
parties and the adjudicative system may not be bothered by the use of
opinion-writing to facilitate that process. On the other hand, those who look
askance at the push to settlement would probably view with suspicion the use of
judicial opinions for this purpose.
unpublication adds a wrinkle that should disturb even those most sanguine about
the modern trend towards settlement. If the judge has guessed correctly, and
his or her opinion leads the parties to settle, then the ruling will never
undergo appellate review. And if the opinion is unpublished, no one would ever
know what the judge did. Obviously, this *996 practice presents the
opportunity for manipulation of the law and case outcomes by district judges.
Publication would potentially subject such opinions to public scrutiny, thus
incentivizing judges to act in principled ways.
To be
sure, unpublication may allow judges to achieve what we might think are good
results, and subjecting certain opinions to the public scrutiny afforded by
publication may diminish that ability. Nevertheless, it is a sad statement
indeed if judges require the cloak that unpublication provides in order to
achieve justice--and this is hardly a strong argument in favor of allowing
judges to decline to publish fully ninety-seven percent of their opinions.
I should
conclude this section by making certain not to overstate my claims. Although I
do believe that full publication would fully resolve the transparency problem,
I do not believe that it would fully resolve the accountability problem. That
is, the mere fact that a particular opinion--one among thousands--is published
does not necessarily mean that the judge will be more careful or act in a more principled
way. Nevertheless, to the extent that the costs of full publication are low, it
would help, and it would signal to the public that judges are not afraid for
the world to see what they do.
V. The Unconvincing Arguments in Favor of Unpublication
Given the
costs of unpublication, why not publish everything? In other words, why do we
have the system that we do? Not too long ago, when “publish” meant “put it in a
book,” the answer would have been straightforward and unassailable: given the
sheer volume of opinions generated by district court judges, it would simply be
too costly to print each opinion in a Reporter. But today, with the relatively
low cost of publishing online, that answer is anachronistic. [FN119] As one advocate of full publication in
the appellate context stated, “[t]he advent of virtually costless on-line
publishing with no need for books or shelves makes nonpublication more
questionable than ever.” [FN120]
But there
are likely to be other, more serious defenses to unpublication practices in the
district court. These defenses fall into two general categories. First, that
full publication is unnecessary or even undesirable; and second, that it is
*997 A. The Argument that Full Publication is
Unnecessary or Undesirable
The first
defense of institutionalized unpublication is likely to be that full
publication is unnecessary or perhaps undesirable. Judge Kozinski, a zealous
proponent of unpublication in the appellate context, argues that most cases
just do not deserve the full attention of an appellate judge because they are easy
and uninteresting. [FN121]
That is, they add nothing to the corpus of the common law and there is
therefore no reason that the public requires access to them. [FN122] This claim picks up on one of the primary
justifications originally offered by the Federal Judicial Center (FJC) in 1973
for unpublication in the appellate context. [FN123]
The FJC concluded that “[m]any decisions do not call for opinions [because a]
simple order or a brief memorandum may be sufficient to apprise the parties of
the result and dispose of the case,” [FN124]
and it would no doubt be offered in the district court context as well. Indeed,
the West publication guidelines specifically call for publication of those
opinions that are of significance and interest. [FN125]
But this argument fails to persuade, and for reasons I have already covered:
everything a judge does is law, it is all important; and even if not, we should
hold judges accountable.
A stronger
version of this argument may be that full publication is undesirable because it
inevitably muddies the law and provides attorneys and judges with too much
information, such that it complicates and increases the costs of legal research
and creates too much bad law. This, too, is unpersuasive because we know that
judges, lawyers and scholars include in their research as many unpublished
opinions as they can possibly get their hands on. [FN126] In other words, they want these opinions.
Although it is the case that better access to opinions means better access to
bad opinions as well as good ones, at least we could determine exactly what
judges are doing in actual cases and hold them accountable for their bad
opinions. Additionally, as I have suggested, bad opinions may be a product of
unpublication--hardly an argument in its favor. [FN127]
A third argument is that unpublication is unnecessary because the potential for
appeal already provides for a measure of accountability. [FN128] But this argument also fails to persuade.
At best, appealability resolves the accountability problem; it does nothing to
resolve the transparency problem. Further, even from an accountability
standpoint, there are all kinds of rulings--like ministerial actions within the
discretion of the judge--that are not appealable at all, and others--like
discovery rulings--that are almost non-appealable. [FN129] And of all of those rulings that are
technically appealable, only a minority are actually subject to appellate
review. [FN130]
even assuming that these opinions are appealed, it is a mistake to assume that
they receive the full appellate treatment and the attention of appellate
judges. As Pether has devastatingly shown, in some circuits, the actual work of
judging is performed more often than not by staff attorneys and law clerks,
particularly in precisely those “uninteresting” and “unimportant” cases that
are said to be the subject of the unpublished district court opinions. [FN131] Appellate judges may never even see the
file or the papers, [FN132]
and may trust the work entirely to their clerks and staff attorneys, who may
dispose of the cases in unpublished opinions or, worse, summary dispositions
without opinion. [FN133]
Thus, full publication would complement appealability as a disciplining measure
for judges.
B. The
Argument that Full Publication is Impossible
The more
serious argument against full publication involves the allocation of judicial
resources: do judges have the time necessary to make every opinion of
publishable quality? This issue was one of the first identified by the FJC in
its 1973 report proposing the model rule for publication *999 in the
appellate context and it is the first argument offered today by supporters of
current practices in the appellate courts. [FN134]
As the Committee on Use of Appellate Court Energies wrote in 1973:
Judges have long been urging that many of their cases do not raise issues of
types that, if discussed in depth, will contribute importantly to knowledge of
the law or its development. At the same time, many of these judges bemoan the
lack of time to consider and develop the solution to significant problems in
other cases. [FN135]
Or, more
simply, “[p]ublication of opinions burdens the work of writing opinions.” [FN136]
argument has featured prominently in the recent debates in the appellate
context, with Judges Alex Kozinski and Stephen Reinhardt maintaining that
judges simply do not have the time to write carefully considered (and thus
publishable) opinions for every case that is appealed. [FN137] Judge Kozinski has explained that he goes
through at least fifty drafts for opinions intended for publication and that he
simply cannot spend that much time on every case that comes before him. [FN138] This argument is likely to be even
stronger in the district court context because district judges are said to face
ever-increasing caseloads. [FN139]
The “litigation explosion” [FN140]
and managerial nature of district court judging [FN141]
means that they have even less time to hammer out opinions that are “ready for
prime time” than do their counterparts on the appellate courts. Concededly,
this defense of unpublication is more serious than those arguments about
necessity and desirability. After all, “should” implies “can,” and if our
district court judges truly do not have the time to write opinions of
publishable quality, then any demand that they publish more is moot.
But I am
not persuaded.
As an initial matter, the litigation explosion claims themselves may be
overstated. [FN142]
The judges' refrain that they do not have the resources to produce publishable
opinions has been sung over and over again in these debates, most
significantly, during the debate over unpublication in the appellate context. [FN143] But the judges lost these arguments and
our courts remain standing. There is therefore something of a “boy crying wolf”
quality to this argument. As a result, before we adopt this problematic view,
then--that judges face so much work that we cannot fully expect them to do
their jobs--we ought to assign the burden of proof to those who hold it.
To be
sure, I do not discount the possibility that a full publication rule will, at
the margins, change the process, and even the substance, of judging in
unpredictable ways. Indeed, as someone who believes that changes in procedure
often have substantive repercussions, it would be odd for me to argue
otherwise. I further concede that some of these changes might be negative. It
is for this reason, as I explain in the concluding section below, that I
support a pilot program that will allow us to study the effects of full
publication in select districts. Still, I reject entirely the notion that it is
likely that the benefits of full publication will be outweighed by the costs.
Given the stakes, the opposite is true.
But let us
assume for the moment that it is true that judges do not have more time to
write. If we are mainly concerned with the transparency problem, then judges
should not be bothered by a rule requiring full publication. After all, from a
transparency standpoint, full publication does not require judges to write
more; it only requires them to make public that which they already write.
Judges who are confident that their rulings can withstand the modest public
scrutiny that publication provides have nothing to fear from it.
We are
left, then, with a strange and disturbing irony: the more that judges oppose
full publication, the more it becomes apparent that full publication is
necessary on the grounds of accountability. If they are right and they really
do not have the time to be held accountable, then we have much greater and
deeper problems than those I have addressed in this paper. That is, if the
parade of horribles plays out and docket-processing comes to a screeching halt
because judges are afraid that their writings will come back to haunt them,
then unpublication will be exposed as a tool to paper over much more
problematic aspects of our judicial system. And so I not only believe that it
is likely that this argument against publication is wrong, I very much hope
that to be the case.
*1001 VI. A
Modest Proposal
My goal
for this Article is to explore the theoretical and practical costs of
unpublication in the district courts and to provoke a conversation about the
current norms and practices. It is not my intent to formulate the perfect
practical solution. Nevertheless, it is readily apparent that available
technologies allow us to move beyond this problem.
In an
ideal world, opinions on PACER would be text-searchable and access would be
free. The latter suggestion is fairly important because it would help to break
the duopoly that LEXIS and Westlaw currently enjoy in the legal research market
or at least to somewhat even the playing field between haves and have-nots. [FN144] Equally important, the suggestion is not
mere fancy; indeed, the courts hope to move in this direction. [FN145] Further, because all opinions are already
on PACER and are already produced by judges in text-searchable format, it would
be simple enough to open opinions to the public scrutiny they deserve.
Unfortunately, this solution would require the consent of the judges and/or an
order by Congress, and so although it is the ideal, it is not necessarily the
most likely in the short run. In the meanwhile, LEXIS and Westlaw should
recognize the value of all opinions and should choose to include them all in
their online databases.
It is
tempting to argue that these changes should go into universal effect tomorrow.
But I am cautious at heart and no radical, and it is possible that the
consequences of full publication will be unpredictable and negative. And so I
offer the relatively modest proposal that full publication be introduced, one
way or another, in selected districts, in order to allow us to seriously study
its makeup.
On one
point, though, I throw caution to the wind: the stuff of law belongs to all of
us, and as technology changes, our expectations for what ought to be available
can, do and should change as well.
Assistant Professor at the
See, e.g., Lawrence M. Friedman, The Day Before Trials Vanished, 1 J. Empirical
Legal Stud. 689, 689 (2004) (arguing that, contrary to conventional wisdom, “the
trial was never the norm, never the modal way of resolving issues and solving
problems in the legal system”).
See, e.g., Judith Resnik, Managerial Judges, 96 Harv. L. Rev. 376 (1982). In
this path-breaking article, Resnik argued that the rise of managerial judging
has given judges unreviewable powers to affect the impact of civil cases.
See, e.g., Wayne D. Brazil, Special Masters in Complex Cases: Extending the
Judiciary or Reshaping Adjudication?, 53 U. Chi. L. Rev. 394 (1986) (suggesting that increased use of special
masters has attendant risks including that adjudication becomes too removed
from public scrutiny and oversight).
See, e.g., Tim A. Baker, The Expanding Role of Magistrate Judges in the Federal
Courts, 39 Val. U. L. Rev. 661 (2005) (tracing rise of magistrate judge); Resnik, supra note 2,
at 435-40 (critiquing increased reliance on magistrate judges).
See, e.g., Owen M. Fiss, Against Settlement, 93 Yale L.J. 1073 (1984). Fiss was the first to argue that private
settlement undermines the public role of courts and should not be celebrated.
See id. at 1075 (“I do not believe that settlement as a generic practice
is preferable to judgment or should be institutionalized on a wholesale and
indiscriminate basis. It should be treated instead as a highly problematic
technique for streamlining dockets.”); see also David Luban, Settlements and the Erosion of the Public Realm, 83
Geo. L.J. 2619, 2619-20 (1995).
See, e.g., Laurie Kratky Dore, Settlement, Secrecy, and Judicial Discretion: South
Carolina's New Rules Governing the Sealing of Settlements, 55 S.C. L. Rev. 791
(2004); Andrew D.
Goldstein, Sealing and Revealing: Rethinking the Rules Governing
Public Access to Information Generated Through Litigation, 81 Chi.-Kent. L.
Rev. 375 (2006).
See United States v. Ochoa-Vasquez, 428 F.3d 1015, 1024-31
(11th Cir. 2005)
(analyzing whether secret docketing in drug trafficking conspiracy prosecution
to protect confidential informants and cooperative defendants violated
defendant's First Amendment right to access criminal proceedings); Dave
Altimari, Lawmakers Seek End to Secret Court Files, Hartford Courant, Mar. 11,
2003, at A1; see also Joseph F. Anderson, Jr., Hidden from the Public by Order of the Court: The Case
Against Government-Enforced Secrecy, 55 S.C. L. Rev. 711 (2004); David S. Sanson, The Pervasive Problem of Court-Sanctioned Secrecy and the
Exigency of National Reform, 53 Duke L.J. 807 (2003).
See, e.g., Arthur R. Miller, The Pretrial Rush to Judgment: Are the “Litigation
Explosion,” “Liability Crisis,” and Efficiency Cliches Eroding our Day in Court
and Jury Trial Commitments?, 78 N.Y.U. L. Rev. 982 (2003) (maintaining that increased use of
summary judgment due to impulse of docket control has fundamentally altered
roles of courts' trial procedures); see also Gillian K. Hadfield, Where Have
All the Trials Gone? Settlements, Nontrial Adjudications, and Statistical
Artifacts in the Changing Disposition of Federal Civil Cases, 1 J. Empirical
Legal Stud. 705 (2004). Hadfield's empirical evidence suggests that the “vanishing
trial” is due, in large measure, to non-trial adjudication including the
increased use of summary judgment. This finding is at odds with the
conventional view, which maintains that private settlement is largely to blame
for the decrease in the percentage of cases that go to trial.
See Penelope Pether, Sorcerers, Not Apprentices: How Judicial Clerks and
Staff Attorneys Impoverish U.S. Law, 39 Ariz. St. L.J. 1 (2007) (depicting how appellate court staff
attorneys and judicial clerks exercise enormous degree of Article III power,
treat “haves” and “have-nots” unequally, impoverish law and are effectively
See, e.g., David C. Vladeck & Mitu Gulati, Judicial Triage: Reflections on the Debate over
Unpublished Opinions, 62 Wash. & Lee L. Rev. 1667 (2005).
See Rex R. Perschbacher & Debra Lyn Bassett, The End of Law, 84 B.U. L. Rev. 1 (2004) (discussing consequences of law
privatization in all its manifestations); see also Miller, supra note 8, at
982-1016 (describing how supposed “litigation explosion” has been used by
critics of system of civil adjudication to remake courts through procedural and
substantive reforms).
For a discussion of the criticisms of these efficiency and docket control
measures, see supra notes 2-11 and accompanying text. Of course, this is not to
suggest that these practices and innovations are without their defenders in the
academy. For example, Derek Bok has long championed the use of settlement. See
Derek Bok, A Flawed System, Harv. Mag., May-June 1983, at 38. And it is not
difficult to find defenders of summary judgment. See, e.g., Jonathan T. Molot,
An Old Judicial Role for a New Litigation Era, 113 Yale
L.J. 27, 44-45 (2003) (noting that use of summary judgment to manage judicial caseload
has not generated much criticism). With respect to the debate over
unpublication of appellate judicial opinions, see Elizabeth M. Horton, Selective Publication and the Authority of Precedent
in the United States Courts of Appeals, 42 UCLA L. Rev. 1691 (1995); Boyce F. Martin, Jr., In Defense of
Unpublished Opinions, Ohio St. L.J. 177 (1999); Robert J. Martineau, Restrictions on Publication and Citation of Judicial
Opinions: A Reassessment, 28 U. Mich. J.L. Reform 119 (1994).
See, e.g., Jessie Allen, Just Words? The Effects of No-Citation Rules in
Federal Courts of Appeals, 29 Vt. L. Rev. 555 (2005); Susan W. Brenner, Of Publication and
Precedent: An Inquiry into the Ethnomethodology of Case Reporting in the
American Legal System, 39 DePaul L. Rev. 461 (1990); Keith H. Beyler, Selective
Publication Rules: An Empirical Study, 21 Loy. U. Chi. L.J. 1 (1989); Richard
B. Cappalli, The Common Law's Case Against Non-Precedential Opinions,
76 S. Cal. L. Rev. 755 (2003); Charles E. Carpenter, Jr., The No-Citation Rule for Unpublished Opinions: Do the Ends
of Expediency for Overloaded Appellate Courts Justify the Means of Secrecy?, 50
S.C. L. Rev. 235, 249-50 (1998); Lawrence J. Fox, Those Unpublished Opinions: A Necessary Expedience or
an Abdication of Responsibility?, 32 Hofstra L. Rev. 1215 (2004); Scott E. Grant, Missing the Forest for a Tree: Unpublished Opinions
and New Federal Rule of Appellate Procedure 32.1, 47 B.C. L. Rev. 705 (2006); Mark D. Hinderks & Steve A. Leben,
Restoring the Common in the Law: A Proposal for the Elimination of Rules Prohibiting
the Citation of Unpublished Decisions in Kansas and the Tenth Circuit, 31 Washburn
L.J. 155 (1992); Elizabeth M. Horton, Selective Publication and the Authority of Precedent
in the United States Courts of Appeals, 42 UCLA L. Rev. 1691 (1995); Deborah Jones Merritt & James J.
Brudney, Stalking Secret Law: What Predicts Publication in the
United States Courts of Appeals, 54 Vand. L. Rev. 71 (2001); William R. Mills, The Shape of the Universe: The Impact of Unpublished
Opinions on the Process of Legal Research, 46 N.Y.L. Sch. L. Rev. 429 (2003); Martha Dragich Pearson, Citation of Unpublished Opinions as Precedent, 55
Hastings L.J. 1235 (2004); Penelope Pether, Inequitable Injunctions: The Scandal of Private
Judging in the U.S. Courts, 56 Stan. L. Rev. 1435 (2004); William L. Reynolds & William M. Richman,
An Evaluation of Limited Publication in the United States Courts of Appeals, 48
U. Chi. L. Rev. 573 (1981); William L. Reynolds & William M. Richman, The
Non-Precedential Precedent Limited Publication and No-Citation Rules in the
United States Courts of Appeals, 78 Colum. L. Rev. 1180 (1978) [hereinafter
Reynolds & Richman, Non-Precedential]; Lauren K. Robel, The Myth of the Disposable Opinion: Unpublished Opinions
and Government Litigants in the United States Courts of Appeals, 87 Mich. L.
Rev. 940 (1989);
Michael B. W. Sinclair, Anastasoff Versus Hart: The Constitutionality and
Wisdom of Denying Precedential Authority to Circuit Court Decisions, 64 U.
Pitt. L. Rev. 695 (2003); Arthur B. Spitzer & Charles H. Wilson, The Mischief of the Unpublished Opinion, 21 Litig. 3
(1995); Stephen L.
Wasby, Unpublished Court of Appeals Decisions: A Hard Look at
the Process, 14 S. Cal. Interdisc. L.J. 67 (2004). In addition to this list, which is by no
means complete, the Washington and Lee Law Review hosted an excellent symposium
on the issue, published at Symposium, Have We Ceased to be a Common Law
Country?, 62 Wash. & Lee L. Rev. 1429 (2005).
Alex Kozinski & Stephen Reinhardt, Please Don't Cite This!: Why We Don't
Allow Citation to Unpublished Dispositions, Cal. Law., June 2000, at 43 (“Few
procedural rules have generated as much controversy as the rule prohibiting
citation of [unpublished opinions].”).
Compare Anastosoff v. United States, 223 F.3d 898, 899 (8th
Cir. 2000)
(holding unpublication rules unconstitutional), vacated as moot, 235 F.3d 1054 (8th Cir. 2000), with Hart v. Massanari, 266 F.3d 1155, 1159 (9th Cir. 2001) (holding unpublication constitutional).
See, e.g., Tony Mauro, Court Opinions No Longer Cites Unseen: Judicial
Conference Approves Use of Unpublished Opinions in all Circuits; Also Declines
to Split up 9th Circuit, Legal Times, Sept. 26, 2005, at 2; see also Richard S.
Arnold, Unpublished Opinions: A Comment, 1 J. App. Prac. &
Process 219 (1999).
See Kozinski & Reinhardt, supra note 14, at 44 (“At bench and bar meetings,
lawyers complain at length about being denied this fertile source of authority.
Our Advisory Committee on Rules and Practice and Procedure, which is composed
mostly of lawyers who practice before the court, regularly proposes that
[unpublished opinions] be citable.”).
See Fed. R. App. P. 32.1. The rule, adopted in 2006, allows
attorneys to cite to unpublished opinions.
See, e.g., Patrick J. Schiltz, Much Ado About Little: Explaining the Sturm Und Drang
over the Citation of Unpublished Opinions, 62 Wash. & Lee L. Rev. 1429,
1432-33 (2005).
See generally id.; William M. Richman, Much Ado About the Tip of the Iceberg, 62 Wash. &
Lee L. Rev. 1723 (2005); see also Pether, supra note 9, at 8-9. Pether wrote that:
rule change is modest, because while it means that circuit courts can no longer
forbid lawyers to cite back to them decisions they have made but designated ‘not
for publication,’ nor sanction them if they do, the prospective ban on citation
bans does nothing to solve the major problems of institutionalized unpublication:
it will not dismantle the U.S. courts' binary system of ‘precedential’ and ‘unprecedential’
judicial opinions, with the various problems this system produces, nor will it
address the logical problem of designating opinions precedential or non-precedential
in advance.
See David Hoffman, Alan Izenman & Jeffrey Lidicker, Docketology, District
Courts, and Doctrine, 85 Wash. U. L.R. 681 (forthcoming 2008), available at
See Martineau, supra note 13, at 130 (noting that no one has objected to practice
of unpublication by trial courts).
See infra notes 27-46 and accompanying text.
See infra notes 47-76 and accompanying text.
See infra notes 77-143 and accompanying text.
See infra notes 144-145 and accompanying text.
See United States Supreme Court, 2006 Term Opinions of the Court, (last visited Mar.
28, 2008).
See U.S. Courts, Judicial Caseload Profile Report, http://
(last visited Feb. 17, 2008).
See U.S. Courts, Federal Judicial Caseload Statistics, http:// (last visited Mar. 28,
This is true not only collectively, but also individually. In 2006, the average
district court judge saw 495 new cases added to the judge's docket, and
terminated 517 cases. See U.S. Courts, Judicial Caseload Profile Report, (last visited Feb. 17, 2008).
See Resnik, supra note 2, at 377 (“[J]udges are playing a critical role in
shaping litigation and influencing results.”).
See generally id.; Hadfield, supra note 8; Miller, supra note 8; Judith Resnik,
Migrating, Morphing, and Vanishing: The Empirical and Normative Puzzles of
Declining Trial Rates in Courts, 1 J. Empirical Legal Stud. 783 (2004); Thomas
J. Stipanowich, ADR and the “Vanishing Trial”: The Growth and Impact of
Alternative Dispute Resolution, 1 J. Empirical Legal Stud. 843 (2004).
See Martineau, supra note 13, at 129 (defending unpublished opinions by
appellate courts on grounds that institutional constraint of sitting on panel
protects against irresponsible behavior by judges).
Evan J. Ringquist & Craig E. Emmert, Judicial Policymaking in Published and
Unpublished Decisions: The Case of Environmental Civil Litigation, 52 Pol. Res.
Q. 7, 8 (1999).
C.K. Rowland & Robert A. Carp, Politics and Judgment in Federal District
Courts 1 (1996) (quoting Judge Henry N. Graven). Rowland & Carp provided
another revealing quote, this one from C.J. Wyzanski, a district judge who
refused “promotion” to the appellate court:
district court gives more scope to a judge's initiative and discretion. The
district judge so often has the last word. Even where he does not, heed is
given to his estimates of credibility, his determination of the facts, his
discretion in framing or denying relief upon the facts he found.
Karl Llewellyn, The Bramble Bush 12 (1951).
See Thomas J. Miles & Cass R. Sunstein, The New Legal Realism, U. Chi. L.
Rev. (John M. Olin Law & Economics Working Paper No. 372 (2d Series), and
Public Law & Legal Theory Working Paper No. 191, 2007), available at
See, e.g., Theodore Eisenberg & Stewart J. Schwab, What Shapes Perceptions of the Federal Court System?,
56 U. Chi. L. Rev. 501, 503 (1989) ( “Many, even most, nonjudicial observers of the system
know only what they read in published opinions. Most law students, law
professors, and non-litigator lawyers fit into this category .... [M]ost law
school casebook teaching is based on the supposition, that published appellate
opinions convey the most accurate view of what the law is.”).
It probably goes without saying, though I shall say it anyway, that appellate
court decisions lie somewhere in between district court cases and Supreme Court
cases in terms of both their interest and their importance.
See generally Edmund M. Morgan, The Case Method, 4 J. Legal Educ. 379 (1952);
see also Anthony Chase, The Birth of the Modern Law School, 23 Am. J. Legal
Hist. 329, 342 (1979) (discussing how case method teaches students to “think
like lawyers”).
See, e.g., Ann C. McGinley, The Emerging Cronyism Defense and Affirmative Action: A
Critical Perspective on the Distinction Between Colorblind and Race-Conscious
Decision Making Under Title VII, 39 Ariz. L. Rev. 1003, 1038 n.214 (1997) (stating that one traditional credential
for law teaching position is appellate court clerkship).
See, e.g., Jason P. Nance & Dylan J. Steinberg, The Law Review Article
Selection Process: Results from a National Study, 71 Alb. L. Rev. (forthcoming
2008), available at, at 2-3 (last visited Mar.
28, 2008) (“[I]t is in the article selection process that student editors wield
the greatest power over scholars.”).
See id. at 3 (“Given the importance of article placement in tenure and
promotion decisions and in reaching the intended audience, claims that law
reviews use the wrong criteria or (worse) no criteria at all in selecting
articles cause understandable angst among authors. Professor Carl Tobias's
assessment, for example, that ‘most editors possess strong predilections and
act on them compulsively when making publication offers' should strike fear
into the heart of every author, especially because, despite the efforts of some
commentators to illuminate those predilections based on what the journals
publish, the article selection process is largely a black box.”).
See Hoffman, Izenman & Lidicker, supra note 21, at 691 (explaining anatomy
of opinion writing).
See id. at 13.
Attorneys currently do this through word-of-mouth and judges develop
reputations. See Hoffman, Izenman & Lidicker, supra note 21, at 726-27.
Nevertheless, such information is incomplete, and access to it is uneven. Inevitably,
those with the best access will be the most well-connected local lawyers,
raising equity-related concerns about adversarial lawyering. Further, it may be
impossible to detect certain patterns without the aid of sophisticated empirical
techniques, which require access to data that reputation alone does not
provide. See id. at 48-49.
See, e.g., Schiltz, supra note 19, at 1429 n.1 (describing meaning of “unpublished”
in appellate court context).
See id. (stating that many “unpublished” opinions are in fact published); see
also Kimberly D. Krawiec & Kathryn Zeiler, Common Law Disclosure Duties and the Sin of Omission:
Testing the Meta-Theories, 91 Va. L. Rev. 1795, 1883-87 (2005) (discussing collection of data from
Westlaw database); Mills, supra note 13, at 432-33 (describing accessibility of
“unpublished” opinions).
See, e.g., Reynolds & Richman, Non-Precedential, supra note 13, at 1179-81
(discussing no-citation rules established by circuits for unpublished
See Richman, supra note 20, at 1724-25 (explaining new rule that prohibits
restrictions on citation of unpublished decisions); see also Pether, supra note
9, at 2-6 (same).
See, e.g., Pether, supra note 9, at 2-9 (discussing no-citation rules
associated with unpublication).
This, of course, is the upshot of a no-citation rule. Litigants could not cite
to and argue from unpublished opinions to the very courts that issued them.
Truly, that restriction was so bizarre that it invited criticism, even mockery.
And, in all honesty, a small part of me regrets that the rule was changed; it
presented such perfectly ripe, large and low-hanging fruit that anyone
interested in taking a swing at the courts could not possibly miss. See Penelope
Pether, Take a Letter, Your Honor: Outing the Judicial
Epistemology of Hart v. Massanari, 62 Wash. & Lee L. Rev. 1553, 1565 (2005) (describing no-citation rule as “the most
embarrassing of the effects of the system of institutionalized unpublication”);
see also David Greenwald & Frederick A. O. Schwarz, Jr., The Censorial Judiciary, 35 U.C. Davis L. Rev. 1133, 1174
(2002) (arguing
against no-citation rules). The authors stated:
is nonetheless something unsettling about rules that say to litigants that
although their cases were decided correctly, the judges do not want anyone to
let their judicial colleagues know what they did; something censorious and
upside-down about rules that say to lawyers that although they may cite
district court opinions, state court opinions, law review articles, or even
nonlegal materials in their briefs, those briefs may subject their authors to
professional discipline if they refer to certain writings of the very judges who
sit on the court hearing the appeal; something confiscatory about rules that
say to members of the public that although they have, through their taxes, paid
for the production of an opinion, they may not derive any use from that opinion
in subsequent disputes; and something arrogant about rules that confer upon
judges the power to determine prospectively what cases will provide useful
precedential or persuasive authority in cases years down the line, cases that
raise issues the judges, for all their experience and collective wisdom, cannot
pretend to foresee.
For a further discussion of the availability of “unpublished” decisions, see
supra note 52 and accompanying text.
See Pether, supra note 13, at 1471-74 (discussing current state of
unpublication and procedures for accessing such unpublished decisions).
See, e.g., Mitu Gulati & C.M.A. McCauliff, On Not Making Law, 61 Law & Contemp. Probs. 157, 159-61
(1998) (describing
problem of summary affirmances and their potential for mischief).
See id. (stating that “room for abuse exists” when appellate panel must decide
whether opinion has precedential value).
To be sure, there are legitimate concerns that litigants and attorneys with
greater resources have greater access to the Westlaw and LEXIS online services.
See, e.g., Pether, supra note 13, at 1468 (noting “the imbalance of access that
wealthy and institutional litigants have to [opinions only available online]”).
This issue is worthy of further consideration by legal scholars.
See Hoffman, Izenman & Lidicker, supra note 21, at 723-24 (discussing
unreliability of using opinions as basis for quantitative analysis).
It is likely the case that district judges chose not to publish some of their
opinions before the practice became official and systematized. However, I am
content to focus on the more recent and institutionalized history of
unpublication. Note that appellate court unpublication probably predates the
introduction of the model guidelines as well. See Pether, supra note 13, at
1437 nn.7-8 (tracing unpublication practice before model guidelines). The scholarly
debate focuses on the system of “institutionalized” or “systematized”
unpublication that began in 1964 and gained steam in the 1970s.
See Rowland & Carp, supra note 37, at 19 (explaining that Federal
Supplement is considered authoritative and official source for district court
opinions by “most judges, lawyers, and public law scholars”).
West Publishing Co., Publication Guide for Judges of the United States District
Court 2 (1994) [hereinafter Publication Guide].
See Hoffman, Izenman & Lidicker, supra note 21, at 710 (finding that
Westlaw's database contains more opinions than LEXIS).
See id. at 30 n.137 (showing results of using both processes).
See Krawiec & Zeiler, supra note 52, at 1884 (explaining how West populates
its databases).
West appears to have either a stunning lack of information about its own
operation or, more likely, a policy of not providing such information to the public.
See id. (discussing lack of information regarding West's selection process).
Publication Guide, supra note 65, at 2. Interestingly, these guidelines closely
mirror the publication guidelines for appellate courts. The model rule for
appellate courts created by the Federal Judicial Center (FJC) proposes
publication for those opinions that “lay[ ] down a new rule of law, or alter[ ]
or modif[y] an existing rule ...; involve[ ] a legal issue of continuing public
interest ...; criticize[ ] existing law; [and/or] resolve [ ] an apparent
conflict of authority.” Fed. Judicial Ctr., Advisory Council for Appellate
Justice, Standards for Publication of Judicial Opinions: A Report on Use of
Appellate Court Energies of the Advisory Council on Appellate Justice, Federal
Judicial Conference Research Series No. 73-2 15-17 (1973) [hereafter FJC,
Standards]. The appellate courts have adopted variations on the FJC's model rule.
See Schiltz, supra note 19, at 1430 nn.5-7 (providing useful rundown of each
circuit's publication rules).
The first
steps towards institutionalized unpublication in the appellate courts came in
1964, when the FJC initially recommended that only opinions of “precedential
value” be published. See Pether, supra note 13, at 1442-43 (quoting Dir. of the
Admin. Office of the U.S. Courts, Reports of the Proceedings of the Judicial
Conference of the U.S. 14 (1964)); see also Karen Swenson, Federal District Court Judges and the Decision to
Publish, 25 Just. Sys. J. 121, 136 (2004) (explaining that statistical analysis
indicates that judges tend to publish opinions in cases where government, large
corporations or large law firms are parties). In the mid-1970s, the practice
was systematized and widely adopted based on reports from two committees of the
FJC that issued detailed recommendations and model rules for appellate court
publication standards. See Comm'n on the Revision of the Fed. Court Appellate
Sys., Structure and Internal Procedures: Recommendations for Change 49-53
(1975) [hereinafter FJC, Revision] (recommending changes in opinion writing
procedures for appellate courts); FJC, Standards, supra, at 15-17 (proposing
standards for publication of appellate court opinions); see also Michael
Hannon, Developments and Practice Notes: A Closer Look at Unpublished Opinions in the United
States Courts of Appeals, 3 J. App. Prac. & Process 199, 207-08 (2001) (showing timeline for federal court
publication rules); Pether, supra note 13, at 1442-45 (discussing origins of
unpublication practices); Robel, supra note 13, at 942 n.11 (explaining study
showing that limited publication does not enhance productivity).
commentators have asserted that the recommendations and model rules proposed by
the FJC committees for appellate courts were directed towards district courts
as well. See, e.g., Swenson, supra, at 121 (describing Judicial Conference's
guidelines regarding unpublication as directed at district and circuit courts).
This is not technically correct, though it may well be the case in a practical
sense. The FJC committees only addressed themselves to appellate courts, but
given the similarities between the guideline standards, it appears that the
interests driving district court publication practices are similar to those
driving appellate court practices. See FJC, Standards, supra, at 15-17
(proposing standards governing publication of appellate court opinions); FJC,
Revision, supra, at 49-53 (recommending changes in opinion writing procedures
for federal appellate courts).
See Hoffman, Izenman & Lidicker, supra note 21, at 685-87 (describing
unreliability of published opinions and applying iceberg metaphor).
See Ringquist & Emmert, supra note 36, at 33 (“These differences between
published and unpublished case decisions should serve to remind us that in
examining published cases alone, we are investigating an unrepresentative
subset of decisions which in turn may seriously compromise the validity of
conclusions regarding judicial behavior.”).
See Peter Siegelman & John J. Donohue III, Studying the Iceberg from Its Tip: A Comparison of
Published and Unpublished Employment Discrimination Cases, 24 Law & Soc'y
Rev. 1133, 1165-66 (1990) (noting potential for “sample selection bias” through use of
published opinions).
Susan M. Olson, Studying
Donald R. Songer, Nonpublication in the
There are methodological problems with many of these studies, and each study
has significant limitations. It is therefore possible that their findings are
off-base or not amenable to generalization. Nevertheless, this is the best
information we have; and if it is wrong, it is yet further evidence of the
problems associated with having unpublished opinions in the first place.
See Hoffman, Izenman & Lidicker, supra note 21, at 727-28 (cautioning empiricists
of “underrepresentativeness” of opinions).
Songer, supra note 81, at 213-14.
For more on the Restatement project, see generally N.E.H. Hull, Restatement and
Reform: A New Perspective on the Origins of the American Law Institute, 8 Law
& Hist. Rev. 55 (1990).
Here I think specifically of secondary research sources used by attorneys like
annotated statutes, practice guides and treatises. Although these resources
sometimes include unpublished opinions, the collection of such opinions is
haphazard at best.
See Hoffman, Izenman & Lidicker, supra note 21, at 710 (stating that “[m]inisterial
orders never lead to opinions”).
See id. (discussing prevalence of ministerial orders).
See generally Hillel Y. Levin, What Do We Really Know About the American
Choice-Of-Law Revolution?, 60 Stan. L. Rev. 247 (2007) (reviewing Symeon C. Symeonides, The
American Choice-of-Law Revolution: Past, Present and Future (2006), and
suggesting direction for choice-of-law scholarship).
See Symeonides, supra note 89, at 37-121 (discussing judicial dissent against
previously “established conflicts system”). Symeonides meticulously chronicled
the development of choice-of-law doctrine in American courts. See id.
(analyzing judicial conflict of law revolution).
See, e.g., David Cavers, A Critique of the Choice-of-Law Problem, 47 Harv. L.
Rev. 173, 173 (1933)
(explaining that “proper study” will lead to resolution of conflict of law
controversies in favor of “appropriate jurisdiction”); Levin, supra note 89, at
250-52 (outlining revolution in conflict-of-law doctrine over past fifty
years); see also Symeonides, supra note 89, at 11-35 (discussing historical
evolution of conflict of law doctrine).
See Symeonides, supra note 89, at 11-35 (discussing initial scholastic dissent
to then-existing conflict-of-law doctrine).
See, e.g., William L. Reynolds, Legal Process and Choice of Law, 56 Md. L. Rev. 1371,
1371 n.5 (1997)
(explaining confused state of choice of law).
See generally Michael E. Solimine, An Economic and Empirical Analysis of Choice of Law, 24
Ga. L. Rev. 49 (1989) (analyzing choice-of-law decisions from economic and empirical
perspective, and arguing that national, uniform choice of law rule is optimal approach).
See id. at 82 (“The database was restricted to appellate courts in the
state and federal systems as those courts are the ones with the highest
publication rates and are generally conceded to undertake most of the law development
See, e.g., In re Paris Air Crash of March 3, 1974 (Paris Air
Crash), 399 F. Supp. 732, 739 (C.D. Cal. 1975) (describing choice of law as “veritable
jungle” leading to “reign of chaos dominated... by the judge's ‘informed guess”’);
Levin, supra note 89, at 253 (describing Symeonides' analysis of choice of law
jurisprudence). Choice of law determinations are flexible and indeterminate:
example, the Second Restatement, which has been adopted by at least twenty-two
jurisdictions for conflicts in tort cases, provides a “deliberately malleable
list” of relevant factors for a judge to consider. To be precise, there are two
lists, one that provides seven “principles,” and another that enumerates the
four relevant “contacts.” It is difficult to imagine that mathematics of this
sort could provide any “right” answer.
See, e.g., Paris Air Crash, 399 F. Supp. at 739 (describing choice of law as “veritable
jungle” leading to “reign of chaos dominated ... by the judge's ‘informed guess”’);
Symeonides, supra note 89, at 70 (“[M]ethodology rarely drives judicial
decisions.”); Stewart E. Sterk, The Marginal Relevance of Choice of Law Theory, 142 U. Pa.
L. Rev. 949, 951 (1994) (“[T]he result in the case often appears to have dictated the
judge's choice of law approach ....”); Symeon C. Symeonides, Choice of Law in the American Courts in 1994: A View “From
the Trenches”, 43 Am. J. Comp. L. 1, 2 (1995) (“[O]f all the factors that may affect
the outcome of a conflicts case, the factor that is the most inconsequential is
the choice-of-law methodology followed by the court.”).
See, e.g., Symeonides, supra note 89, at 265-364 (studying choice of law in
products liability cases); William M. Richman & William L. Reynolds, Prologomenon to an Empirical Restatement of Conflicts,
75 Ind. L.J. 417, 426-35 (2000) (reviewing empirical studies on choice of law).
See, e.g., Patrick J. Borchers, The Choice-of-Law Revolution: An Empirical
Study, 49
See, e.g., Stewart E. Sterk, The Marginal Relevance of Choice of Law Theory, 142 U. Pa.
L. Rev. 949, 951 (1994) (“[T]he result in the case often appears to have dictated the
judge's choice of law approach ....”); see also Symeonides, supra note 89, at
70; Symeonides, supra note 99, at 2.
See Levin, supra note 89, at 256-58 (“[W]e really only know what some
unspecified and perhaps unrepresented sample of courts have done, which is not
at all the same as knowing what courts do”).
Reynolds, supra note 93, at 1389 n.84.
See Levin, supra note 89, at 257-58 (emphasizing potential for unpublished
decisions to reshape way choice of law is determined).
[FN106]. Restatement (Second) of Conflict of Laws § 6 (1971).
Martha J. Dragich, Will the Federal Courts of Appeals Perish if They
Publish? Or Does the Declining Use of Opinions to Explain and Justify Judicial
Decisions Pose a Greater Threat?, 44 Am. U. L. Rev. 757, 782 (1995).
[FN109]. Id. at 782-83 (explaining attorneys' use of judicial opinions).
See Andrew P. Morriss, Michael Heise & Gregory C. Sisk, Signaling and
Precedent in
See id. (detailing judges' use of previous decisions).
See Rowland & Carp, supra note 37, at 118 (“Failing to submit important
cases for publication is deleterious because it can lead to inconsistencies
among courts ....”).
See generally Jonathan M. Stemerman, Unclearly Establishing Qualified Immunity: What
Sources of Authority May Be Used to Determine Whether the Law is “Clearly
Established” in the Third Circuit?, 47 Vill. L. Rev. 1221 (2002). Nevertheless, if the opinion is never
published, affected parties might never know.
See Pether, supra note 13, at 1511 (commenting on disadvantage of poor and
powerless litigants due to unpublication); Robel, supra note 13, at 955-59
(surveying advantages given to frequent litigants).
[FN115]. Powers v. City of Richmond, 10 Cal. 4th 85, 142 (1995) (Lucas, C.J., dissenting) (quoting 2
Willis & Stockton, Debates and Proceedings of the Constitutional Convention
of the State of
See Jeremy Bentham, Of Publicity and Privacy, as Applied to Judicature in
General and to the Collection of Evidence in Particular, in Works of Jeremy
Bentham, Vol. 6, ch. X, 351 (1843) (“Upon his moral faculties ... publicity
acts as a check, restraining him from active partiality and improbity in every
shape: upon his intellectual faculties it acts as a spur, urging him to that
habit of unremitting exertion, without which his attention can never be kept up
to the pitch of his duty.”).
Some will immediately suggest that in the district court context,
accountability does not require publication, because parties may appeal as of
right. As I argue infra, however, appealability does not adequately discipline
judges in a variety of kinds of cases.
Stewart Macaulay, Renegotiations and Settlements: Dr. Pangloss's Notes
on the Margins of David Campbell's Papers, 29 Cardozo L. Rev. 261, 284 n.88
West “urge[s judges] to exercise liberal discretion in submitting opinions for
possible reporting on WESTLAW” because “WESTLAW has a large storage capacity.”
Publication Guide, supra note 65, at 3 (urging submission for potential
reporting on Westlaw).
Peter Blumberg, Publish is His Platform, S.F. Daily J., Mar. 9, 1998, available
at (quoting Stephen F. Barnett,
Professor at
See Kozinski & Reinhardt, supra note 14, at 43-44 (discussing why
publication is unnecessary where issue is simple and straightforward).
See id. (same)
See FJC, Standards, supra note 76, at 15-17 (laying down standards for
determining when case should be published).
For a discussion of West's publication guidelines, see supra notes 65-76 and
accompanying text.
See Pether, supra note 13, at 1487 (noting lawyers and judges follow and
research unpublished opinions).
Some might argue that full publication is undesirable for another reason: it
encourages judges to rule orally. Nevertheless, this seems unlikely to me,
because there are sufficient incentives in place to discourage judges from
doing so. First, parties prefer written rulings, and judges may be responsive
to such preferences. See Hoffman, Izenman & Lidicker, supra note 21, at 694
(commenting on judges' tendencies to write opinions when it advances their
policy preferences, particularly when aware of audience). More importantly,
appellate courts disfavor oral rulings and are quick to reverse them. See id.
at 24 (noting that appellate courts, when reversing, are likely to comment on
lack of written opinion). Nevertheless, if, contrary to my expectations, oral
rulings do become more prevalent, it may be necessary to consider publishing
See Patrick J. Schiltz, The Citation of Unpublished Opinions in the Federal Courts
of Appeals, 74 Fordham L. Rev. 23, 48 (2005) (noting that no-citation rules regarding
unpublished opinions undermine accountability). Schiltz defended
non-publication in the appellate courts on the grounds that unpublished
appellate court opinions are written not only for the parties, but also for review
by the en banc and the Supreme Court. See id. at 52. This argument is even stronger in the district court
context, because a much higher percentage of district court decisions undergo
review by a higher authority than do appellate court opinions.
See Hoffman, Izenman & Lidicker, supra note 21, at 689 (emphasizing lack of
review for many lower court determinations).
See id. (listing factors why judges may believe decision will be appealed,
including effect of procedural rules); see also Richard A. Posner, The Federal
Courts: Challenge and Reform 176 (1985) (discussing reduction in incentives to
See Pether, supra note 13, at 1491-92 (pointing to reports showing circuits
often assign responsibility of determining whether to publish to clerks).
See id. at 1492 (noting that judges often do not see files before signing off
on unpublished opinion).
See id. at 1492 n.314 (highlighting examples of judges entrusting cases and
their disposition to law clerks and staff attorneys).
See FJC, Standards, supra note 76, at 1 (reciting judges' complaints of delay
due to time-consuming nature of writing opinions).
See Kozinski & Reinhardt, supra note 14, at 43 (arguing that opinion-writing
is too time-consuming to require it on every case); Thomas R. Lee & Lance
S. Lehnhof, The Anastasoff Case and the Judicial Power to “Unpublish”
Opinions, 77 Notre Dame L. Rev. 135, 147-48 (2001) (recognizing large number of cases filed
in court system would make rule requiring publication in all cases paralyzing
one for judiciary).
See Kozinski & Reinhardt, supra note 14, at 43 (discussing considerations
that make opinion writing so time-consuming).
See Miller, supra note 8, at 985-92 (tracing increase in cases filed in federal
courts and explaining rise as partly due to development of new legislation and
new rights).
See id. at 982-1016 (describing how critics of civil adjudication have used
supposed “litigation explosion” to remake courts through procedural and
substantive reforms).
See Resnik, supra note 2, at 386-413 (describing managerial judging).
See Miller, supra note 8, at 992-96 (citing criticism of “litigation explosion”
See Kozinski & Reinhardt, supra note 14, at 44-45 (“We are a large court
with many judges. Keeping the law of the circuit clear and consistent is a
full-time job, even without having to worry about the thousands of unpublished
dispositions we issue every year.”).
Olufunmilayo B. Arewa, Open Access in a Closed Universe: Lexis, Westlaw, Law
Schools, and the Legal Information Market, 10 Lewis & Clark L. Rev. 797,
821 (2006) (noting
dominance of LEXIS and Westlaw in legal research market); Pether, supra note 9,
at 20 (exhibiting concern that only those with significant resources can access
“unpublished” opinions on duopoly of LEXIS and Westlaw); Pether, supra note 13,
at 1468, 1473 (stating that Westlaw and LEXIS do not eradicate problem of
unpublished opinions because access to those databases is limited and those sites
select which unpublished opinions to include).
See Hoffman, Izenman & Lidicker, supra note 21, at 729 (pointing to
proposals to make access to federal court trial docket free).
53 Vill.
L. Rev. 973