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Law Articles Relating to Nonpublication

  1. Kelso, J. Clark "A Report on the California Appellate System" 45 Hastings Law Journal 433 (March 1994)
  2. Nichols, Jr., Philip The Honorable "Selective Publication of Opinions: One Judge’s View" 35 American University Law Review 909 (1986)
  3. Reynolds, William L and. Richman, William M "Elitism, Expediency, and The New Certiorari: Requiem For :The Learned Hand Tradition" 81 Cornell Law Review 273 (1996)
  4. Robel, Lauren K. "The Myth of the Disposable Opinion: Unpublished Opinions and Government Litigants in the United States Courts of Appeals" 87 Michigan Law Review 940 (April 1989)
  5. Shuldberg, Kirt "Digital Influence: Technology and Unpublished Opinions in the Federal Courts of Appeals" 85 California Law Review 541 (March 1997)
  6. Tobias, Carl "The New Certiorari And A National Study Of The Appeals Courts" 81 Cornell Law Review 1264 (1996)
  7. Uelmen, Gerald F "Publication and Depublication of California Court of Appeal Opinions; Is The Eraser Mightier Than The Pencil? 26 Loyola of Los Angeles Law Review 1007 (June 1993)
  8. Weaver, George M "The Precedential Value of Unpublished Judicial Opinions" 39 Mercer Law Review 477 (1988)